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Getting good diet?
We hope you will choose a balance diet as in the food pyramid ;)
You must be wondering what exactly food pyramid or maybe some of you know about it and yet do nothing about it (We guess) and some feel satisfied that they are already following the majority of these guidelines. Don’t worry; we are here to guide you for a better life. Just like we said before, food pyramid is a guide for you to consume healthy diet and show you the right amount of food should you consume daily. This dietary guideline encourages you to choose variety of healthy food; it also recommends eating a variety of fruits and vegetables each day. In the food pyramid, you are suggested to consume from each group, in right proportion, example, the number of servings for each section of a food pyramid is determined based on your recommended calorie level.
Example of a Food Pyramid
Now that you have read about the food pyramid and digest the information given(to get a knowledge, we shouldn’t just read but it must be digest) the information from the figure above. According to it, we will realised which groups of food that should we take in moderation. If we follow the guidelines, we will get a healthy diet and we will not be like this
No matter who you are (a doctor, gardener, lawyer, teacher, fishermen and etc), how old are you (2months, 1years, 7years, 15years, 22years, 40years or 60years), and where do you live (village or town), if you are not following the guidelines of food pyramid you also will get affected with any diseases. An obesity person not only suffer from obesity but also will affected with other diseases such as heart attack, diabetes, high blood pressure, and kidney failure. Furthermore, if we look to our eating style, we just eat anything without thinking about the consequences. So, if we don’t want to be like the picture above, we need to change our life and eating styles. Think about it, and take action…. :) good luck.
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