Friday, January 29, 2010

Water For Good Health

Hello again.....
Having a good time?

Did you know that a good source of minerals is water! It is important for us to prevent our body from dehydration. As you know that our last entry is about consuming enough nutrition and perform physical activities, we would like to remind you that water is important to our body beside the food taken.


Nearly three-quarters of our Earth is covered with water, our body consists of about 60% water. Most fresh fruits and vegetables store up to 95% and meats 50%. Water is a major component in all living matter as it is needed for food digestion and for the absorption and transportation of nutrients in the body. It also cleanses our body system by its waste products through urine and keeps us cool by regulating our body temperature. It’s also a natural moisturiser for youthful-looking skin! We can survive without food for several weeks but will only live a few days without water. In fact, a 20% loss of body water is fatal. Our body loses about 2.5 litres of water daily through urine, faeces, sweat and breath. To stay healthy, we need to maintain this delicate balance of water consumption. We are encouraged to consume 6-8 glasses of water daily.

So drink a lot of plain water and avoid from drinking any carbonated water.

Drink Mineral Water!
Avoid Carbonated Drink!

Copyright 2009 Food For Life