Friday, March 5, 2010

Food can Affect Mood 2..

Hello everyone!

The last entry that we have posted is about food which can affect our mood. Today, we would like to continue further about it but we would emphasize on how sugar can make us feel good. Generally, people will feel good when the level of sugar contain in blood are high and vice versa. When we talk about food that contain high level of sugar, usually we will think about sweets and chocolates. As we have known, sweets and chocolates can give us quick dosage of energy but it is also will lose too soon because the level of sugar contain in blood can drop rapidly. As the result, it will cause euphoria due to sudden increase and decrease in the level of sugar contain and causes mood swings. That is why the healthy sources of sugar such as from bananas and watermelons are the best source to improve our mood.


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