Saturday, March 20, 2010

What Makes Us Gain and Lose Weight?

Hello Everybody...

Take a look at human body, there are many types of physical sizes of people which are thin, fat, small or big. This happened because of the energy balances that describe the relationship between the food that we eat and the amount of energy we use daily.

There are 3 types of weight, which is weight loss, weight gain and weight maintained:
• Weight loss - occurs when food intake is less than the energy output.
• Weight gain - when food intake is greater than the energy output.
• Weight maintained - food intake must equals to the energy output.

weight loss

weight gain

weight maintain

Different between drinking water and mineral water

Hello Guys,

Lately the weather is very hot, and of course we need to drink a lot of water! But did you know what is the difference between drinking water and mineral water?

• Mineral water - must contain a specified amount of trace minerals naturally and is bottled in various cap colours such as green and blue.

• Drinking water - must be put through a filtration or mechanical process in order to remove contaminants and minerals, and is bottled with a white cap. Purified and reversed osmosis (RO) are the two types of drinking water.

Now you can differentiate between drinking water and mineral water by looking at the colour of the bottle cap.

Mineral Water

Drinking Water

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Top 10 Most Tasty Cuisines in the World

Hello everyone..!!!
Today we would like to share with you about tasty cuisines. Few days ago, we had read about Top 10 tasty cuisines in the world and they look very appealing and for those who are craving to eat everything that the world offers will be excited about these food. What is cuisine? Cuisine is a particular style of the cooking or the food that is cooked in a particular restaurant or hotel.
These are the rank of Top 10 tasty cuisines in the world that make our lives are more meaningful:

 1. French Cuisine


 2. Italian Cuisine


3. Chinese Cuisine

4. Indian Cuisine

5. Thai Cuisine

6. Mexican Cuisine

7. Japanese Cuisine

8. Spanish Cuisine

9. Greek Cuisine

10. Lebanese Cuisine


Thursday, March 11, 2010

Hot Tips......

Hello Guys,

How are you?

Busy lately?

Today we would like to share with you some tips before buying food products.
Some people are very particular in choosing food products but some people are not. This are the basic tips:

1. Read the ingredients on the label carefully. Ingredients are listed according to the amount present in products. Usually, the first ingredient listed is present in the largest amount. Example: flour in bread.

2. Identify the Halal/Haram/Mashbooh status for each ingredients. (Especially for Muslim consumers)

3. Check the expiry date on the product's packaging.

4. Check the nutritional value content in product for a better health.

5. Last but not least, ensure the price is reasonable and affordable.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Food can Affect Mood 2..

Hello everyone!

The last entry that we have posted is about food which can affect our mood. Today, we would like to continue further about it but we would emphasize on how sugar can make us feel good. Generally, people will feel good when the level of sugar contain in blood are high and vice versa. When we talk about food that contain high level of sugar, usually we will think about sweets and chocolates. As we have known, sweets and chocolates can give us quick dosage of energy but it is also will lose too soon because the level of sugar contain in blood can drop rapidly. As the result, it will cause euphoria due to sudden increase and decrease in the level of sugar contain and causes mood swings. That is why the healthy sources of sugar such as from bananas and watermelons are the best source to improve our mood.

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